I apologise for the not so pretty photo taking done here.. hehe...
Anyway, Lovely Blue & Gold Macaw young birds for sale as well.. We have many many many many for you to choose from. Most IMPORTANTLY is that they are all of top notch quality, good grade birds. All of them are fed on premium organic bird foods - Harrison's Bird Foods which is the best food for birds. They contain all the proteins, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and basically EVERYTHING your bird would need for its health and diet. Therefore, you can totally and i do mean TOTALLY rest assured on what you are getting. What you are getting is TOP and i do mean TOP, High end quality birds and its for a really reasonable price. Only Rm 8k to get a bird which is legally bred and raised right here in Malaysia, fed on premium food, with all the proper license and of course the enclosed leg band to identify your bird. I believe if you can do the maths you would know that its worth all of your penny.
So, you would ask what is the big deal with farm bred birds raised on Harrison's bird foods and the normal birds which feeds on sunflower seeds and nuts and brought in from don't know where ?
Ok. It is totally and really simple. I am no expert, BUT put it this way... Sunflower seeds by itself contains not much nutritional values for your bird and it is oily, thus in the long run, your bird will suffer from probably fatty liver or other diseases, of course you can feed them fruits to neutralize the problem, also, they throw half of what you actually put in the bowl which is considered wasting your money because they only eat half and makes your place really dirty and messy. BUT, with Harrison's Bird Foods, you don't really have this problem because with one cube, it contains all the nutrients and vitamins and everything your bird really needs for its diet, you do not even have to supplement with fruits if you do not want too but if you really want to, you can put a small piece of your birds favourite food as well. Most importantly its cost efficient. Why do i say that ? It is because for one big bird, you only need 20 cubes in the morning and 20 cubes in the evening which makes it a maximum of 40 cubes a day per bird. In another words, 1kg of Harrison's bird Foods can last EACH bird an estimate of 2 to 21/2 months. Now isn't that cost efficient ?
Think about it dear friends and customers.... i feed all my parrots this food now as well... Would i want to waste my money feeding them this food if it is not good for them ?
You can contact me at +60167781614 Joyce for more details...
Cheers !!!